As the part of IEEE PES STEP 2021 events, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch (SB) along with its WIE Affinity Group successfully hosted a professional development workshop (virtually) titled “Workshop on CV Writing, Motivation and Recommendation Letter Writing” on December 21, 2021 at 7:30 PM (GMT +6). The event was supported by IEEE PES Chapters Student Activities Committee (CSAC) and IEEE PES Student Transition and Elevation Partnership (STEP). Mr. Walid Bin Habib, a Research Assistant at Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU), Germany and a dedicated IEEE PES volunteer, served as the workshop instructor.

The workshop moderator, K.M. Samiul Islam (IEEE PES CSAC Ambassador – PES STEP), first welcomed the guests, participants, and instructor. The workshop session was then taken over by Mr. Walid Bin Habib, the workshop instructor. Mr. Walid began by discussing the importance and necessity of a CV and then conducted a quick survey of participants’ career plans and higher education plans via the Google Meet chat box. He divided the workshop session into three sections. The first part focused on CV writing, the second on Letter of Motivation/SOP, and the third on Letter of Recommendation. He had elaborately narrated and instructed on these three topics, which are extremely important and beneficial to the career development of an undergraduate/graduate student.

At last, there was a very interactive Q/A session. More than 200 enthusiasts had registered for the workshop session, and more than 115 individual participants had attended. The instructor had assigned a task via email and later the participants who completed the task received feedback and e-certificates of participation.

Essential Link :

K.M. Samiul Islam
Chairperson, IEEE Stamford University Bangladesh Student Branch