Electromobility (e-Mobility) is a global trend that changes the whole environment where it is implemented. Its market share is on the rise and is motivated by the production of electric energy from renewable sources, climate change, and the price volatility of fossil fuels.

Motivated by the new challenges of e-Mobility in Brazil, the first edition of the 2021 Sustainable Energy Technology Innovation Symposium (SINTEC2021) was created and offered to the entire community, with the objective of promoting and discussing issues related to Sustainable Energy Technologies. This year, the major subject is e-Mobility with a wider focus in Brazil. The 1st SINTEC was organized by the PES Student Branch Chapter of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), PES Student Branch Chapter of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), and Young Institutional Committee of the Brazilian Automatic Society (SBA). The event was held during 28th to 30th of September.

SINTEC2021 is a technical-scientific event aimed at the electrical, technological, and energy sectors that took place in virtual sessions based on lectures, forums, exchange of ideas and panel discussions. Among the specific contributions of the event, the following stand out: qualification and professional updating through lectures and panel discussion; promotion and encouragement of integration between universities, research centers, and companies in the electricity and automobile sector; discussion of current problems and prospects for the Brazilian e-Mobility scenario.
Each day of the event focused on a specific theme. On the first day, the lecturers focused on presenting the general scenarios of e-Mobility and governmental regulations.

Schedule of lecturers of the first day of SINTEC 2021.

The second day had the objective of presenting industrial overviews, along with new batteries and charging technologies.

Schedule of lecturers of the second day of SINTEC 2021.

To finish, the third day concluded with the presentations of research and development projects from universities, utilities, and a special panel to discuss the importance of women in the e-Mobility sector.

Schedule of lecturers of the third day of SINTEC 2021.

The following links can be used to access the video recordings of each day:

Day 1: https://youtu.be/7mWFVwfqISk
Day 2: https://youtu.be/3e2zQpb9GzA
Day 3: https://youtu.be/HrNaAdF40-c

S. Caio, IEEE PES Unicamp Chapter
C. C. Maurício, IEEE PES Santa Maria Chapter
H. E. Pedro, IEEE PES Santa Maria Chapter
B. S. Pedro, IEEE PES Santa Maria Chapter
R. S. EMERSON, Young Institutional Committee of the Brazilian Automatic Society