Webinar: Chartership and Career Path
Co-organised by the IEEE PES SBC at The University of Manchester (UoM) and CIGRE UK NGN
On Wednesday, 5th August 2020, the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at UoM held a webinar on chartership and career path. The event was hosted on-line using Zoom and it attracted 146 registrations. Among the interested people, 69 were IEEE members and 40 of them were also PES members.

The webinar aim was centred to provide young professionals in the areas of power and energy engineering with useful experience by experts in these areas on planning for career paths. Through four interesting talks, our guest speakers shared their own career development experience with valuable advice and tips for anyone who is seeking a career in the power and energy industry.
The speakers came with a background in both academia and industry. So, the experience shared by them was equally valuable to young researchers and engineers willing to pursue a career in either field. The event details and the biographies of the four presenters are included below. The event will be held on the Zoom platform. It is a free application for hosting a video conference and the attendees are requested to download and test it beforehand to avoid any inconvenience at the time of the event.
The feedback of the attendees to the event was positive in general, with a good evaluation of the event, especially about the organisation and the discussion in the Q&A session. To expand the value of this webinar, the presentation video recording has been uploaded to our YouTube channel so it can be watched by anyone who would like some top tips for their career planning.
The student branch chapter committee would like to thank Prof Xiaoping Zhang, Dr Panagiotis Papadopoulos, Dr Stephanie Hay, and Dr Dechao Kong for their informative presentations, and insightful advice shared. We would also like to thank the CIGRE UK NGN for their great input in this event.
Siwei Liu, Chair
IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at the University of Manchester