Insulation Testing with Very Low Frequency

In conjunction with IEEE PES Day 2020, IEEE University of New South Wales (UNSW), Student Branch, in collaboration with IEEE UNSW PELS/IAS/PES Student Joint Chapter, organized an online research seminar on 5th May. The Guest Speaker was Dr. Toan Phung, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia. He has over 30 years of practical research/development experience in partial discharge measurement and analysis. The presenter was Ph.D. Candidate Sayidul Morsalin who is with the Energy Systems Research Group at the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW. It was an excellent one-hour presentation in Zoom platform on “Insulation Testing with Very Low Frequency”. This presentation provided a detailed introduction of the advanced technology and how it could help provide more reliable energy to the future.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Toan Phung, Associate Professor,
School of Electrical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia

Presenter: Sayidul Morsalin, Ph.D. Candidate
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW

The organizers thanked the PES Day Ambassadors. The webinar attracted 25 participants from all over the world, including 15 IEEE members and 10 non-IEEE members. After the presentation, there was a highly interactive and productive discussion between the speakers and the participants. Due to a large number of requests, it was decided to upload the presentation and webinar recording by the IEEE UNSW Student Branch.

Webinar welcoming page

Webinar screenshot

Guoyu Chu
PES DAY Ambassadors
IEEE UNSW Student Branch (STB09141)
IEEE UNSW PELS/IAS/PES Student Joint Chapter (SBC09141A)