Volunteers from Tucumán (Argentina) visited a school to raise awareness of the importance of renewable energy in today’s world

On November 14th 2018, volunteers from IEEE PES Tucumán Student Chapter went to Presentación de María School to give a talk to 5th and 6th grade children of that institution. The purpose of the visit was to make visible the importance of the efficient use of renewable energies, and in particular, biomass in this area of the country.

Children and volunteers at the end of the meeting.
Children and volunteers at the end of the meeting.

The Argentine Northwest has a high biomass production from sugar cane, citrus, vine and olive trees. In this sense, Tucumán has been the first province in the country to cogenerate electric energy using bagasse from sugar cane and to produce biogas through the use of waste from the citrus industry [1].

This visit was the first work with children by this Chapter, and is part of a program of activities that will continue to deepen in different primary and secondary schools in the province, during 2019 (PES RES: Biomass at Schools). Thanks to the intermediation of Carmen Andrade Zamora, former member of the IEEE Tucumán Student Branch. This activity was coordinated by the volunteers Víctor Claudio Juárez, Pablo Armando Piquard and Rodolfo Sebastián López.

Pablo Piquard, Chemical Engineering student and PES member, during the explanation.
Pablo Piquard, Chemical Engineering student and PES member, during the explanation.

Likewise, thanks to the collaboration of Nallely Hernández Sánchez (IEEE Sección Puebla, México), the Chapter presented its design for the booklet of drawings of the PES RES project, and it is added to the already existing ones.

IEEE PES Tucumán SBC design
IEEE PES Tucumán SBC design

Raising awareness in children is a pillar of vital importance to generate a more committed society with the world of the future.

[1] Organización de las NacionesUnidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (2016). Análisisespacialdel balance energéticoderivado de biomasa. Metodología WISDOM. Provincia de Tucumán. Buenos Aires: Tucumán – PROBIOMASA. www.probiomasa.gob.ar/_pdf/wisdom_tucuman_baja.pdf

Rodolfo Sebastián López
IEEE PES Tucumán Student Branch Chapter Chair