The IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative recognizes highly qualified electrical engineering undergraduate students with multi-year scholarships and assists in connecting them with relevant and meaningful career experiences. Since the program launched in 2011, 587 students received 942 scholarships have from more than 150 universities, including Ivy League colleges, flagship state universities and prestigious engineering colleges.

2016 Application is Open

april2016scholarship1We are now accepting applications from undergraduate students in the US, Puerto Rico & Canada for the PES Scholarship Plus Initiative. We would love to have a recipient from each US State, Puerto Rico and all Canadian Provinces in 2016.  The deadline to submit an application is 30 June 2016.


IEEE PES Scholar Alumni – Abesh Mubaraki, PES Scholar 2011 – Donor 2015
System Protection – Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)


Other than the obvious and greatly appreciated financial benefit, the best thing about the PES Scholarship Plus Initiative is the requirement to find an internship in the power engineering field. This forced me to make it a priority to get an internship in the ‘real world’ of power engineering for my last summer before graduation. I filled out various applications, attended career fairs, reached out to professors and the Career Center for help, etc. and eventually landed an internship at Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) in the Substation Engineering department. The advice I received from various sources was to treat the internship as a 10 to 12 week interview, and I tried to keep this is mind every day at work; not just to put forth my best effort, but also to determine if I would be happy and satisfied with a career in this field. The end result of this was that I had a job lined up with PG&E prior to graduation, and the work I do is meaningful, challenging, and enjoyable.

How could I not donate to something that has personally impacted my life for the better? The Scholarship Plus Initiative is partly the reason that I am in a position of financial stability, thus having the ability to donate. Add to that the fact that PG&E has a “Campaign for the Community” program which makes it really easy to donate and the company matches employee donations, and there is no excuse for me not to donate to the causes that resonate with me.

A donation to the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative could be doubled or tripled if you are able to use your company’s matching gift program – Click here to see if your company will match your donation!

The Impact the PES Scholarship Had on Me  –
Matt Cato, Washington State University (PES Scholar 2014-15)


Being named a PES Scholar and recognized as a Schweitzer Meritorious Scholar for the past two years has had a tremendous impact on my life, both financially and professionally. The scholarship’s funds greatly reduced my financial burden, allowing me to focus heavily on my studies. I have been able to designate extra time to school and to successfully run for an officer position within Washington State University’s IEEE chapter.

The exciting and most unique part of this scholarship is the mentoring that recipients receive. This scholarship has given me access to amazing mentors such as Jackie Peer, Director of SEL University. With Jackie’s help. I have been able to network with employees throughout Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL).  With SEL being a leader in the power protection industry, I was able to gain great insight into various aspects of power engineering from some of the best minds in the field. The connections I made from the networking opportunity were crucial in my obtaining a position with SEL in R&D as a research power engineer intern, where I have worked for the past year.

As graduation approaches, I have been on the lookout for a full time position. I have been greatly impressed at the high level of engineering taking place at SEL, so I could not think of a better place to apply for full time employment. A position as an associate protection engineer in SEL’s Engineering Services group opened, and I jumped at the opportunity. With the experience gained over the past two years of interning at SEL, I was able to get the job.

Now, still having two months of school left, I have a dream job with an outstanding company, and I could not be more thankful. I have witnessed the impact this field has on society, as well as the endless professional possibilities it can provide. I am truly grateful for all of the benefits I have gained through this scholarship and would like to thank all who support this amazing program!

IRA Charitable Rollover Law – Reinstated

DId you know that the IRA charitable rollover law has been reinstated in 2016 and will remain in effect thereafter. Individual retirement account (IRA) owners over the age of 70½ may transfer to qualifying charities, including the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Fund of the IEEE Foundation, up to $100,000 per year from their IRA, which counts toward one’s required minimum distribution for the year while at the same time avoids taxes.

It’s a great way to support IEEE and IEEE Foundation AND maximize the impact of your IRA!   If you are interested in this unique opportunity to support the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative, or if you have questions, please contact IEEE Foundation at +1 732 465 5871 or
