Call for Papers IEEETD2018

Los invitamos a participar con sus investigaciones para este 2018, durante el congreso T&D Latin América 2018, recordando que dichas publicaciones aprobadas y expuestas durante el congreso, serán publicadas en el IEEE Xplore Digital Library y SCOPUS.

A continuación alcanzamos el detalle del Call for Papers:

Call for papers


Lima, Peru | September 18-21, 2018

The 2018 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exhibition – Latin America (T&D LA 2018) is the premiere event for electric utility professionals, contracting, construction and consulting companies who are interested in the hands-on solutions for the engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of the world’s power transmission and distribution systems. The program spans four days, featuring three-days of technical program and exhibits and a one-day technical visit.

The conference will also include presentations of recognized worldwide experts, technical papers, and tutorial courses along with an industrial exposition. The conference will focus on the current state of the art and lessons learned from techniques and practices developed by leading international companies and utilities.

T&D LA 2018 will be held in Lima, World Heritage Site. Museums with great works of art, archaeological sites, beaches, the boardwalk, valleys, natural reserves, the nightlife, the thrill of adventure sports, and the exquisite cuisine gives Peru’s capital an authentic personality and makes tourism in Lima a unique experience in the country.

The Conference Organizing Committee invites you to submit a full length original research contributions from engineering professionals from industries, R&D organizations, academic institutions, government departments and research scholars from across the world.

Topics: Visit


The official language of 2018 IEEE PES T&D LA is ENGLISH. Papers must be submitted in PDF and should be no longer than 06 pages, following the IEEE Conference format, available on:

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.

Papers can be submitted using the Easychair System by accessing the following address:

Go to T&D LA 2018 EasyChair website.


Accepted technical papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Important Dates

Full paper submission deadline:        January 31st, 2018

Notification of paper acceptance:    March 15th, 2018

Final paper submission deadline:     May 31st, 2018

Conference dates:                                  September 18-21, 2018


Conference Chair:

Santiago León-Gómez (

Technical Program Chair:

Jorge Lafitte Vega (

Information Contact:

Alex Arquiñego-Paz (


Sponsored and organized by:

IEEE Power & Energy Society (

IEEE Peru Section (

IEEE PES Peruvian Chapter (

Más información:

IEEE T&D Latin America 2018

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