The Panhandle Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
and the
Consultant’s Network Affinity Group
Topic: “Electric Fields and Polymer Insulators”
Speaker: Jason Dickinson from NGK-Locke Polymer Insulators will provide a technical presentation on insulator design and corona mitigation.
When: Tuesday, December 9, 2014
11:30AM to 1:30PM
Where: Amarillo Club Sunburst West Room Chase Tower, 30th Floor
600 S. Tyler
Amarillo, TX
Who: IEEE members and guests are invited to attend
Attire: Business Casual
Cost: $15.00 per person for IEEE members payable to IEEE Panhandle Section at the door
Meal: Buffet Style Lunch
RSVP: Please make reservations by close of business on Monday, December 8 with Scott Davis at (806) 376-9678 or by e-mail at Scott’s E-mail