IEEE Seminar – Thank you!

Thank you for joining us at the 2014 Fall IEEE Professional Development Seminar.

We hope you had a wonderful time. As a follow up to our seminar I ‘d like to give out some information.

First as a public service announcement:


IEEE Panhandle is and has been looking for old computers to donate to Amarillo’s Westley Community Outreach Center.

We will wipe any old information off the hard drive for you as well as fix old computers. If you care to donate please contact:

John Vara, @


IEEE Panhandle would also like your help in thanking our speakers, their efforts make the Seminar possible.

If you would like more information their websites.


Thank you Richard Burgress

(If you missed his card)


Thank you Brian Thomas

Baylors’ Mission programs’ Home page


Thank you Mark Wingate



Thank you Dr. Matt Jackson

West Texas A&M’s Engineering program’s home Page



Thank you again for coming and I hope to see you in the Spring (March 26th, 2015)

Nathan Ciomperlik

IEEE Panhandle Education Chair