Future Seminars – Call For Volunteers

Dear Panhandle Section Members:


For many years, the IEEE Panhandle Section has organized a biannual Professional Development Seminar.  These Seminars provide an outstanding value and service to our members, and the past Panhandle Section Education Chairs & Co-Chairs have put in a lot of hard work and sacrifice to make the Seminars happen.


This year, the Board voted to create an Education Committee to assist the Education Chair in his duties.  We are currently looking for volunteers to serve on the Education Committee.  Ideally, we would like 5-7 committee members to help find topics, book speakers, and handle logistics for our future seminars.  Our previous Education Chairs & Co-Chairs established a very high standard of quality for our seminars.  Your IEEE Panhandle Section Board is committed to maintaining that level of quality and service, and we need your help to make it happen.


Please let me know if you would like to get involved.


Thank you,

Joe Dunn, PE

Chairman – IEEE Panhandle Section
