Updated October 26th 2014 –

Job Announcements

  • Intertek – Senior Project Engineer – Fairview OR office – TBA Soon


Officer Elections!!!

PSES OR and SW WA Chapter Officer Elections

Chapter officer positions are open for the election to be held at our November meeting.  Time requirements for these position only take a couple of hours per month, plus attendance at the monthly meetings.


Open Position descriptions:

Vice-Chair:  Back-up for the Chairman and responsible for coordinating speakers for the monthly meetings

Treasurer:   Submits annual budget request, tracks all expenses and arranges for food and beverages for each meeting

Webmaster:  Maintains and updates the current website


We also have a Chapter Steering Committee, which includes all of the officers, plus any other interested parties.  The Committee discusses proposed activities for the chapter and ideas for speakers.  Time requirements would be a one hour meeting periodically as needed.


Nominations for any officer position may be made by email before the meeting, or at the November meeting.  Self-nominations are welcome. Officer elections will be held at our January meeting

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