Meeting Schedule

Moore’s Law and Radiation Effects on Microelectronics


52 years ago Gordon Moore postulated that the number of components in an integrated circuit would double every 1-2 years. Transistor dimensions have decreased from tens of microns to 10 nanometers over this time period. In this presentation, we will examine the effects of Moore’s Law size and voltage scaling of transistors and integrated circuits on the vulnerability of microelectronics to ionizing radiation effects in near-Earth space and terrestrial applications. We will also discuss limitations that these vulnerabilities place on future highly-scaled integrated circuit technologies.


Daniel M. Fleetwood

Chair EE & CS Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn

IEEE Distinguished Lecturer


Thursday November 16, 2017

Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Building 55, Room 117

7:30-9:30 p.m.

For details on the talk and speaker, click here.


RSVP required.  Please provide your name, affiliation, citizenship, and birth country to Bill DeHope at by Monday November 13 close-of-business.  Your affiliation may be your company name, institution, or your status as self-employed or retired.


For directions to the meeting site and maps, click here.

Parking info specific to this meeting here.


Archive of past meetings.


This site updated November 11, 2017.


Address comments and questions to the secretary, Paul Banchero.