Latest Past Events

Energy Storage in Microgrid Applications

City: Pleasant Hill

Meeting Description:   Please plan to attend this meeting of the Industry Applications Society. The speakers will be Minto Halimuddin and Paul Newman. Topics Microgrid Solutions Energy Storage applications Off-Grid Microgrid Case Study – PV + ESS to reduce fuel costs Switchgear integrations in Microgrid applications Speaker(s): Minto Halimuddin, Paul Newman Location: Zio Fraedo’s 611 Gregory Lane Pleasant Hill, California

New IEEE EMF Exposure Safety Standards

City: Livermore

The dramatic increase in man-made radio frequency (RF) fields in the environment during the last few decades has led to public health concerns in many parts of the world. Specifically, questions have been raised on the safety of exposure to RF energy emitted from radar, television and radio communication systems, microwave ovens, video display terminals, and most recently, mobile telephones and base stations, Wi-Fi, LTE, and 5G. Wearable RF gadgets are prevailing. Wireless power transmission is a newer subject, which can involve high intensity exposures. The IEEE EMF database now has more than 7000 original, peer-reviewed papers useful for public health risk assessment of RF exposure. Even there has been 70 years of research, and WHO indicated that scientific knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for most chemicals and current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields, controversy on RF safety continues. Both biological and engineering complexities make the validity of many studies questionable. In this presentation, emphasis will be on the new IEEE C95.1 exposure standard, which is scheduled for publication in October 2019. Speaker(s): Dr. Chung-Kwang (C-K.) Chou , Agenda: Meeting and lunch, $10. Registration required,  use link provided below. Location: Beeb's Sports Bar & Grill 915 Club House Drive Livermore, California 94551

Application Considerations for the New IEEE 1584-2018 Arc-Flash Model

City: Pleasant Hill

Please plan to attend this meeting of the Industry Applications Society. The speaker will be Albert Marroquin, P.E., V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer, ETAP.  The revision process of IEEE Std. 1584 Guide to Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations is almost complete! The revision includes the new arc-flash model; which is the result of the NFPA and IEEE collaboration effort to improve the accuracy of the incident energy calculations. The new model includes the effects of both horizontal and vertical conductor orientations (VCB, VOA, VCBB, HCB and HOA), plus refined models for arc current variation and enclosure size effects on the incident energy. The presentation will feature first-hand insight into the background on the laboratory testing and model development to help engineers understand how and why the arc current and incident energy results may be different. Furthermore, discussion will take place on what is perhaps the most difficult application consideration of the new model; which is the detection and classification of actual equipment into one of the five electrode configurations.  Last, some quick pointers on how the new model is to be applied in power system analysis software will be provided.  The seminar will be presented by an individual intimately familiar with the arc-flash standard revision and standard, Albert Marroquin, IEEE P1584 New Arc-Flash Model Validation Task Group Vice-Chair and Ballot Resolution Committee Co-Chair, who actively participated in the model refinement and validation. Speaker(s): Albert Marroquin, BScEE, PE – V.P., Electrical Safety & Dynamics, Senior Principal Electrical Engineer – ETAP, Agenda: Time:                No-host social at 5:30 pm; Presentation at 6:15pm; Dinner at 7:15 pm; Presentation continues at 8:00 pm; Adjourn by 9:00 pm.  Place:               Zio Fraedo’s, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill. Call 925-933-9091 if you need directions.  RSVP:              Please make reservations by May 13 by contacting Luis Soria via email: [email protected] or telephone: (415) 793-7909 or                        by registering via vTools at:  Cost:                The cost of dinner is $25 for IEEE members, $15 for student and retired members; $30 for non-members. (Payable as Cash or                     Check) Location: Zio Fraedo's 611 Gregory Lane Pleasant Hill, California