Meriam is passionate about community building and women empowerment. She’s involved in several organizations and community as a leader and volunteer. She advocates STEAM education, women in technology, leadership, diversity, and inclusion
For the past 4 years, Meriam has been an active member of IEEE NSW Section community. She has been involved in the following roles; she was the IEEE University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Student Branch Chair from February 2017 to November 2017, prior to that she serves as the Student Branch Secretary from July 2016 to February 2017. She is passionate in increasing women’s visibility in engineering field, she works with the IEEE Women in Engineering -NSW Affinity Group as Secretary from December 2017 to June 2019 and IEEE-NSW Education Chapter WIE Promotional Chair from January 2018 to August 2019. Also, as Committee Member of Women in Engineering track at IEEE Australia-New Zealand Conference (ANZSCON), 2017. Her engagement on several events’ planning and organization shows her sense of responsibility, positive attitude and dedication in community building.