My main areas of research are complex networked systems, and analysis of their dynamics and evolution, as well as predictive, adaptive modelling of networked systems. I also recently started research in a new direction – the application of machine learning approaches to networked, dynamical systems. Perfect example of such systems is social network, a concept that we all know very well as each of us is a part of one global network. This network is created by people and the interactions between them. We constantly create connections both in the real world (at home, school, office) and in the rapidly growing online world (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr). In my research I investigate those systems, their characteristics and how they change over time. Examples of very interesting questions worth investigating are e.g. what causes that when we work together we can achieve more than when we work individually (concepts known as collective intelligence and emerging behaviour) or what makes that some of the videos, pictures, stories spreads through social network so quickly (known as viral chains).

I received her MSc in Computer Science from Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT), Poland, and an MSc in Software Engineering from the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, both in 2006. I was awarded PhD in November 2009 from WrUT, and in the same year I was appointed a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at Bournemouth University (BU), where from 2010 I was a Lecturer in Informatics. I joined King’s in November 2011 as a Lecturer in Computer Science. In September 2015 I returned to Bournemouth University as a Principal Academic in Computing where I was also a member of Data Science Institute. In September 2017 I joined University of Technology Sydney as an Associate Professor in Network Science in School of Software and I am also a member of Advanced Analytics Institute.

I have coordinated research work within the “Social Network Group” as well as the Interdepartmental Group focused on “Data Warehousing and Data Mining” at the Wroclaw University of Technology (WRUT) and I was a founder and leader of the interdisciplinary Complex Adaptive Networks and Systems at King’s College London (KCL). At the Bournemouth University (BU) I was a Head of the SMART Technology Research Group within the Department of Computing and Informatics. At the Bournemouth University I was also involved in management activities, e.g. I lead the departmental Athena SWAN selfassessment team and I was a Head of a PGR Excellence Programme in the Department of Computing and Informatics. At the University of Technology Sydney, I am a Leader of Network Science Research Programme.

I have taught different units at Undergraduate and Master levels and I have supervised several Undergraduate and Master Projects. For the PhD supervision: four of my students successfully completed their PhDs and now I co-supervise one PhD student who is based at BU.

Over the last few years I have collaborated with various commercial organizations and research groups. These research efforts resulted in publication of over 70 research papers in journals, books and conference proceedings. I have also been involved in several successful research proposals, including:

  1. Data Science and Analytics Training and Engagement Services for Business, (08/2016 – 07/2017, Higher Education Innovation Fund, £50k). Co-I;
  2. European research centre of Network intelliGence for INnovation Enhancement (ENGINE) project (EU FP7, 06/2013 – 05/2017, €4.7 Mio.). Project Partner;
  3. iCANS initiative – interdisciplinary Complex Adaptive Networks and Systems Theory and Applications (05/2012 – 07/2012, £2k) part of EPSRC Bridging the Gaps Interdisciplinary Informatics grant at KCL, PI;
  4. The Computational Intelligence Platform for Evolving and Robust Predictive Systems (INFER) project (EU FP7, Marie Curie IAPP, 07/2010–06/2014; €1.55 Mio.), Researcher;
  5. GRASP# – Groups, Relationships and Activities of Suspected Persons (Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education – PMSHE, 10/2009–10/2011, £283k), Co-I;
  6. IT SOA – ServiceOriented Architectures (Regional Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2008-2013, 01/2009–12/2012, £8.5 Mio.), Researcher;
  7. An individual research grant – A method for analysis of node position in the network of internet users (PMSHE, 09/2008–11/2009, £8,000), fellowship, PI;
  8. Grant for grants (PMSHE, 04/2008–09/2008, £15k), grant for preparation of EU FP6 project, Co-I;
  9. Nature-inspired Smart Information Systems – Coordination Action project within EU FP6, Network of Excellence, (EU FP6, 11/2005– 01/2008, €1.0 Mio.), Researcher.

My activities resulted in maintaining contacts with various research centres including the commercial companies’ research divisions of BT, Research and Engineering Centre, SAS Institute, Badoo, Phorm, and Affectv. The collaboration with Affectv resulted in joint Open Graph Initiative where we organised open challenges based on large social network data sets that come from 50 different social data providers all over the Europe. During my work at KCL I also collaborated and signed a substantial consultancy contract with Badoo, a company which owns a dating-focused social discovery website and has over 170 million active users in 180 countries. Another consultancy contract was signed with Phorm company and its goal was to explore machine learning approaches to analyse company data.