“I am Alice James, currently pursuing my Masters of Engineering in Electronics. My Bachelors of Engineering is in Information Technology. I am currently working as a Research Assistant in the domain of Smart Cities. While working as a Research
Assistant, I got the chance to explore the hardware and software aspects of product innovation. Every day as an Engineer is a new day! And this is very exciting for me.
My Dadda is a passionate Engineer, he has taught me the true sense of Engineering. For instance, given any small repair at home, my Dadda would readily fix it without any trouble. I have always been in awe of his capabilities. He has always motivated me to follow my dreams and gave every opportunity to execute my skills. My Mamma is the foundation of our family, she has always taught me to think out of the box. She has always believed in me and shown me parts of myself that I never believed existed. This has motivated me to venture in the field of Engineering and Science. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by strong determined women in my life such as my Grandma and my Aunts, they have taught me persistence and dedication, qualities I believe every girl must hold on to. I want to encourage each girl reading this, inspiration is always around you, and we must draw our strength from it.
Despite my comprehensive background in IT, I have always had a passion for Electronics and its applications in Robotics and Automation. I began my Masters’ journey at Macquarie University, Sydney with a dream to become “IRONMAN”. I believe I will achieve it.
At Macquarie University, I have got the opportunity to volunteer with IEEE WIE as the website administrator and now the Vice-chair. I want to use this platform to reach out to as many girls out there to initiate workshops and more importantly a community to display their talents. Our team at Macquarie is driven to support any women driven to achieve her dreams. We aim to leverage this platform to one and all, to promote Women in STEM and encourage them to pursue their dream without any fear.”