Welcome to the IEEE PES Norway Chapter Website!

The IEEE Power & Energy Society is a worldwide, non-profit association of more than 20,000 individuals engaged in electric power engineering. The Norway Chapter consists of approximately 80 members who are industry leaders, practitioners, students and academics with a common professional interest in electric power and energy. The Chapter holds numerous events throughout the year. To join the IEEE and the PES, click here.



  1. Chair: Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Associate Professor – NTNU
  2. Vice-Chair: Arild Helseth, Researcher-Sintef
  3. Treasurer: Kamran Torki Sharifabad, Senior advisor-Equinor
  4. Secretary: Jan Walseth, Senior analyst- Statnett
  5.  Student Board member/website developer: Yannick Cyiza Karekezi, PhD student-NTNU

Previous Board

BOARD MEMBERS (FROM 2020 and 2021)

  1. Chair: Erick Fernando Alves, PhD Student – NTNU
  2. Vice-Chair: Jonas Kristiansen Nøland, Associate Professor – NTNU
  3. Treasurer: Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt, Professor – USN
  4. Secretary: Bård Iver Ek, Senior Adviser – Unitech Power Systems