IEEE WIE & YP- Lunch & Learn

City: Saskatoon

Women in Engineering (WIE) and Young Professionals of IEEE North Saskatchewan Section proudly presents a Lunch & Learn: The Rules of the Road by Joy Crawford.   Please join us for an hour of socializing, networking and learning something new! Light lunch will be provided.   Ticket Prices: IEEE members - $5  Non-IEEE members - $10 Agenda: 11:45-12:00... Read more

IEEE WIE & YP- Lunch & Learn

City: Saskatoon

Women in Engineering (WIE) and Young Professionals of IEEE North Saskatchewan Section proudly presents a Lunch & Learn: The Rules of the Road by Joy Crawford.   Please join us for an hour of socializing, networking and learning something new! Light lunch will be provided.   Ticket Prices: IEEE members - $5  Non-IEEE members - $10 Agenda: 11:45-12:00... Read more

IEEE WIE & YP- Lunch & Learn

City: Saskatoon

Women in Engineering (WIE) and Young Professionals of IEEE North Saskatchewan Section proudly presents a Lunch & Learn: The Rules of the Road by Joy Crawford.   Please join us for an hour of socializing, networking and learning something new! Light lunch will be provided.   Ticket Prices: IEEE members - FREE Non-IEEE members - $5 Agenda: 11:45-12:00... Read more

NSS Executive Meeting

Room: 2A15, Bldg: Engineering Building

Monthly ExCom Meeting Location: Room: 2A15 Bldg: Engineering Building 57 Campus Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Computer Chapter Meeting

City: Saskatoon

Meeting of the Computer Chapter. Elections will also take place to elect an executive committee Location: Bldg: Boffins Public House #106 - 111 Research Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Autonomous Vehicles & Senior Member Upgrade Event

City: Saskatoon

Randy Hanson, Chief Technical Officer of International Road Dynamics (IRD) will be presenting on Autonomous Vehicles.  There will also be an opportunity for IEEE members with 10+ years in industry to upgrade their status to Senior IEEE members. Come to this event and learn more!  This event is open to all IEEE members and non-members. ... Read more

Senior Member Upgrade Event & Autonomous Vehicles Presentation

Room: Candle Room (Main Floor), Bldg: The Atrium

You are invited to a networking event and information session on “How to become an IEEE Senior Member” and a speech on Autonomous Vehicles. The purpose of the event is to inform the audience what an IEEE Senior Member is, and how to become one. There will also be opportunity to network with other IEEE... Read more

Senior Member Upgrade Event & Autonomous Vehicles Presentation

Room: Candle Room (Main Floor), Bldg: The Atrium

You are invited to a networking event and information session on “How to become an IEEE Senior Member” and a speech on Autonomous Vehicles. The purpose of the event is to inform the audience what an IEEE Senior Member is, and how to become one. There will also be opportunity to network with other IEEE... Read more

Senior Member Upgrade Event & Autonomous Vehicles Presentation

Room: Candle Room (Main Floor), Bldg: The Atrium

You are invited to a networking event and information session on “How to become an IEEE Senior Member” and a speech on Autonomous Vehicles. The purpose of the event is to inform the audience what an IEEE Senior Member is, and how to become one. There will also be opportunity to network with other IEEE... Read more

Senior Member Upgrade Event & Autonomous Vehicles Presentation

Room: Candle Room (Main Floor), Bldg: The Atrium

You are invited to a networking event and information session on “How to become an IEEE Senior Member” and a speech on Autonomous Vehicles. The purpose of the event is to inform the audience what an IEEE Senior Member is, and how to become one. There will also be opportunity to network with other IEEE... Read more