2016 AGM
All IEEE PES and IAS members are welcome to join us at the 2016 Northern Canada Section PES/IAS chapter annual general meeting on December 13th starting at 5:30-7:00PM.
- Call to Order
- Introductions
- Review order of business
- Chair’s/Vice-chair report:
- 2016 activities summary
- Financial status and reporting
- November event close out
- Review attendance
- Review feedback from survey
- Discuss successes and improvements
- Finance
- Financial standing review
- 2017 budget
- 2017 Plan
- Activity assignments for Calgary-organized seminars
- Planning additional Edmonton area specific technical seminars to meet high performing chapter criteria
- Local subject matter experts
- Distinguished lecturers
- Stretch goals for chapter volunteers
- Succession planning for officer roles
- Other business
- Adjourn
Location and map can be found on the registration link. Dinner will be provided. There is no charge for attendance but please register so that we can get enough food for everybody: https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/42238
Thank you, hope to see you there.