IEEE 1547 Standard and DER Interconnection
Please join NCS PES/IAS (Edmonton area) for “IEEE 1547 Standard and DER Interconnection” event:
Many countries have implemented renewables portfolio standards (RPSs) to accelerate the pace of deployment of renewables generation, which are distributed across the distribution power system. As the penetration of renewable power generation increases, electricity grids are beginning to experience challenges, which are often caused by intermittent nature of some common renewable generation types, sudden changes of the output power due to grid disturbances, low short circuit duty of the inverter based generators, and impact on the transmission and distribution system protection.
Due to the increasing amount of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) interconnections with the Electric Power System, the IEEE 1547 standard is going through a major revision to address some of the technical challenges associated with high penetration of DERs i.e. grid support functionalities, etc.
The participants will learn about the benefits and challenges of the renewable energy resources interconnections as well as major changes to the IEEE 1547, i.e., voltage regulation, response to abnormal system conditions (including voltage and frequency ride through), power quality, islanding, interoperability, etc.
The participants will also learn about the utility concerns/solutions to adopt the revised IEEE 1547 standard.
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Friday, June 8, 2018
3:00PM to 6:00PM (3 hours)
All times are: Canada/Mountain (MST)
2.30pm: Doors open
2:30-3:00pm: Networking and Refreshments
3:00-6:00pm: Presentation
Babak Enayati received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY in 2009. He is currently a Lead Research Development and Demonstration Engineer at National Grid, Waltham, MA. He joined IEEE in 2006 and currently is Senior Member, IEEE and the IEEE PES Governing Board Member-At-Large. Babak is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 (SCC21) and IEEE 1547, Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. Babak is also the Chair of IEEE PES Distributed Resources Integration working group. Babak is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Massachusetts.
Register at:
Registration closes Tuesday, June 5, 11:55pm. Registration and pre-payment is extremely helpful. At the door registration and payment is acceptable.