TIM Roadmap to 5G
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Tuesday, July 4, 9.45-10.30
Enrico Bagnasco
Abstract – “Differently from the previous Mobile generations, 5G is not just a new radio access and core but a complete End 2 End enabling platform for the telecommunication needs of the 2020 Digital Society. Specifically, the 5G network becomes an enabling platform not only for the consumer and business markets, but for all Vertical Markets shaping the advent of the digital economy and requiring more flexibility, more automation, more data processing, and in this sense it is a boost for the design of new processes and new digital skills. The keynote will present the TIM Roadmap to 5G”.
Bio – Enrico Bagnasco entered in Telecom Italia in 1988. He has coordinated several TI and TIM R&D projects, also chairing standardization groups in international bodies such as ETSI, ITU e TMForum.He has taken several leading roles in the TI and TIM areas of OSS, fixed and mobile Core Network and Service Platforms. Currently he is Director of TIM Innovation. |
Data Plane programmability: the next step in Software Defined Networking
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Wednesday, July 5, 9.00-9.45
Giuseppe Bianchi
Abstract – Software-Defined Networking (SDN) emerged as an attempt to introduce network innovations faster and to radically simplify and automate the management of large networks, and is currently being a major pillar in emerging 5G networks. Most of the traditional SDN work promoted the neat separation of the “smart” network control and management plane from the “dumb” packet forwarding plane. However, we believe that this rigid, physical, separation is by no means a conceptual principle, but it is just the consequence of the inability to emerge, so far, with pragmatic device-level programming interfaces more expressive than OpenFlow, i.e., which permit to program and deploy inside the switch more complex and dynamic per-flow “behavioral rules” rather than static forwarding rules. In the talk, we discuss pragmatic and viable ways to formally describe stateful per flow processing while retaining platform independency and portability across different network devices and nodes. We posit that the unprecedented ability to locally deploy, in each network switch, third-party programmed platform-agnostic control functions, not only questions the rigid control/data plane separation that so far has driven SDN efforts, but rather might even pave the road towards the viable return of some “active networking” ideas in the SDN arena.
Bio – Giuseppe bianchi is Full Professor of Networking at the School of Engineering, University of Roma Tor Vergata since January 2007. His research activity includes programmable network systems, wireless networks, privacy and security, traffic control, and is documented in about 220 peer-reviewed international journal and conference papers, having received more than 14.000 citations (source scholar.google.com). He has carried out pioneering research work on WLAN modelling and assessment, and is currently interested in network programmability in both wireless and wired domains. G. Bianchi has held general or technical coordination roles in several European projects (FP6-DISCREET, FP7-FLAVIA, FP7-PRISM, FP7-DEMONS, H2020-BEBA, H2020-SCISSOR), and currently participates to various EU projects including 5G-focused ones (SUPERFLUIDITY, FLEX5GWARE, 5G-PICTURE) where he is fostering advanced network programmability approaches. He has been general or technical co-chair for several major conferences and workshops (the latest having been IEEE INFOCOM 2014, ACM CoNext 2015, IEEE LANMAN 2016), and has been (or still is) editor for several journals in the networking field, including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, and Elsevier Computer Communications. |
Accelerating 5G with Mobile CORD
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Wednesday, July 5, 9.45-10.30
Bill Snow
Abstract – The 5G infrastructure will be vastly different from the current mobile infrastructure. The goals for decreasing latency, increasing data rates, enabling new services are very ambitious. But how does one begin to build, demonstrate and trial new capabilities? Mobile CORD (M-CORD) is the part of the CORD project focused on enabling an open source ecosystem for 5G infrastructure. This presentation will look at the current status of the M-CORD project and where it is headed.
Bio – Bill Snow is the Chief Development Officer with the Open Networking Laboratory (ON.Lab). He is responsible for all engineering and operations at ON.Lab and leads the teams providing core engineering to the ONOS and CORD projects. Prior to joining ON.Lab, Mr. Snow spent over 25 years in the industry building development teams and delivering innovative products. He has led engineering teams for both startups and public companies in the networking and security spaces. He was responsible for the routing and high availability teams delivering the Cisco CRS-1. He was also responsible for the Centillion LAN switching product line prior to Centillion’s acquisition by Bay Networks. He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Stanford University as well as a Master of Science in Engineering Management from Stanford University. |
Bridging Cloud’s Uncanny Valley: Moving from Classic to “Cloud-Native” Enterprise Estates
Thursday, July 6, 9.15-10.00
Bryan Stiekes
Abstract – Cloud providers tend to focus attention on ‘inside-the-cloud’ technology, explaining how they meet the needs of customers whose applications can live entirely in the warm, soft cocoon of the cloud. Most academic cloud research has therefore focused on inside-the-cloud issues such as network-fabric evolution, virtualization, and resource management within a provider’s exclusive control. But many real enterprises need to combine cloud and “on-premises” resources into a seamless whole, which creates challenges not just for cloud providers, but also for the enterprises. Enterprises must evolve to gain the benefits of the cloud — not just in how they build their applications and services, but how they are structured.
Bio – Bryan has nearly 20 years of experience in enterprise & datacenter networking, security, and systems development. At Google, Bryan works with Google customers to evolve their networks and security models to comprehend the emerging IT ecosystem, identify and solve new and valuable problems with Google’s cloud products, and works across Google’s product engineering and management teams to develop new and meaningful services and solutions. Prior to joining Google, Bryan was a Fellow & Vice President at Hewlett Packard Enterprise where he was responsible for pulling together a cohesive networking strategy within HPE’s Software Defined and Cloud products group. Throughout his career with EDS, HP, and HPE Bryan had the opportunity to design and build both IT systems and products within the Enterprise Services, Public Cloud, and Networking business units. |