1. End-to-End Programmability and Orchestration in 5G Networks

Monday, July 3, 14.00 – 18.00 / Room 4.1


This half-day lecture-format tutorial will explore end-to-end programmability and orchestration in 5G networks. We will provide a brief overview of enabling technologies such as 5G, SDN, NFV, P4, etc. We will then explore how programmability at different layers of the network – enabled by such technologies – can be orchestrated together to turn the networking infrastructure into an end-to-end programmable platform to better support new services and applications. We will present different aspects of orchestration across radio, transport, and cloud domains, and will overview various relevant research efforts. We will also discuss challenges and new research directions through several use cases and one demo [IEEE-NFV-SDN]. The tutorial targets researchers and industry practitioners interested in understanding the role of end-to-end programmability in 5G systems.


Katia Obraczka received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Southern California (USC). She is currently Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Before joining UCSC, she held a research scientist position at USC’s Information Sciences Institute and a joint faculty appointment at USC’s Computer Science Department. Her research interests include computer networks, more specifically, network protocol design and evaluation in wireline- as well as wireless networks, distributed systems, and Internet information systems. She has been a PI and a co-PI in a number of projects sponsored by government agencies (NSF, DARPA, NASA) as well as industry. Dr. Obraczka has authored a large number of technical papers in journals and conferences. She has been part of the organising committee of conferences such as IEEE Infocom, ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, IEEE SECON, IEEE MASS, to name a few. She is a Fellow of the IEEE.

Christian Esteve Rothenberg is Assistant Professor at University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where he received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2010. From 2010 to 2013, he worked as Senior Research Scientist in the areas of IP systems and networking at CPqD R&D Center in Telecommunications,
where he was technical lead of R&D acitivities in the field of OpenFlow/SDN such as RouteFlow, the OpenFlow 1.3 Ericsson/CPqD softswitch, and the liblfuid ONF Driver Engineering degree from the Technical University of Madrid (ETSIT – UPM), Spain, and the . He holds the Telecommunication M.Sc. (Dipl. Ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Darmstadt University of Technology (TUD), Germany, 2006. Christian has two international patents and over 70 publications, including scientific journals and top-tier networking conferences such as SIGCOMM and INFOCOM.

Ahmad Rostami is a senior researcher in networks orchestration and automation at Ericsson Research, where he leads activities in the area of programmable networks as well as control and orchestration architectures and protocols for 5G networks. Before joining Ericsson in 2014, he worked at the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) as a senior researcher and lecturer. At the university his areas of research covered network control and software defined networking (SDN) technologies. He holds a Ph.D. (summa cum laude) in Communication Networks from TUB, and a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Communication Networks) from Tehran Polytechnic.

2. The ONOS and CORD projects

Friday, July 7, 9.00 – 12:30 / Room 0.5


This Tutorial will describe the ONOS and CORD projects. ONOS is an open source project started in 2014 at ON.Lab (Open Networking Laboratory) and hosted by The Linux Foundation. The goal of the project is to deliver a software-defined networking (SDN) OS for service providers that has scalability, high availability, high performance and APIs to make it easy to create apps and services that control the traffic in the network. Today the platform is based on a solid architecture written in Java, and has quickly matured to be feature rich and production ready. The talk will have a technical focus discussing the different aspects of the ONOS architecture, stat distribution, northbound APIs like intents, southbound protocols integration, performances, multiple use-cases and applications. During the talk there will be also a demo of the platform. The second part of the talk will cover the CORD (Central Office Re-Architectured as a Datacenter) open-source project. The CORD project brings datacenter economies and cloud agility to service providers for their residential, enterprise, and mobile customers using an open reference implementation with an active participation of the community. The reference implementation of CORD is built from commodity servers, white-box switches, disaggregated access technologies (e.g., vOLT, vBBU, vDOCSIS), and open source software (e.g., OpenStack, ONOS, XOS).This gives network operators the means to configure, control, and extend CORD to meet their operational and business objectives. The first part of the talk will outline the basic hardware and software platform of CORD and how different components of the project integrate together. The second part will describe the different use-cases, Residential-CORD, Enterprise-CORD and Mobile-CORD that focuses on 5G. The services added on top of the base platform will be outlined. The CORD reference implementation is sufficiently complete to support field trials, which will be discussed. The ONOS community has grown to include over 50 partners and collaborators (with AT&T, Verizon, Huawei, Cisco, and China Unicom among others). The newer CORD community has already more than 40 partners and collaborators (with AT&T, Verizon, Google, Radisys , Comcast, SK telecom and China Unicom among others) the partners and collaborators of both communities contribute to all aspects of the projects, from code development, to use cases and deployments.


Andrea Campanella, 24 from Milan, Italy, is employed as a Member of Technical staff (MTS) at Open Networking Laboratory. Andrea obtained the Master’s degree in computer science at the Public University of Milan in December 2016 after a Bachelor degree in Digital communication in July 2014. The master degree program and the final thesis work focused on computer networks and SDN. Andrea started working with ON.Lab through an internship in October 2015. Presently working as an engineer on both the ONOS and CORD projects. In ONOS his main focus are southbound protocols, device integration and the packet-optical use case. In CORD Andrea focuses mainly on the Enterprise-CORD project working on the service chain and enterprise connection network services.

3. Fast Packet processing in VNF using DPDK and fd.io

Friday, July 7, 9.00 – 12:30 / Room 0.6

website: https://networkbuilders.intel.com/ecosystem

Download Slides here.


Packet processing in the fast path involves looking up bit patterns and deciding on an actions at line rate. The complexity of these functions at Line Rate, have been traditionally handled by ASICs and NPUs. However with the availability of faster and cheaper CPUs and hardware/software accelerations, it is possible to move these functions onto commodity hardware. This tutorial will talk about the various building blocks available to speed up packet processing both hardware based e.g. SR-IOV, RDT, QAT, VMDq, VTD and software based e.g. DPDK, Fd.io/VPP, OVS etc and give hands on lab experience on DPDK and fd.io fast path look up with following sessions. 1: Introduction to Building blocks: Sujata Tibrewala 2: DPDK HASH Library Hands-on training: Saikrishna Edupuganti 3: DPDK IP Pipeline Hands-on: Muthurajan Jayakumar 4: FD.io VPP Architecture and Hands-on Training: Sergio Gonzalez Monroy


Sujata Tibrewala is a Networking Community Manager and Developer Evangelist at Intel. She has a bachelors in Mathematics from IIT KGP and Masters from IISC in EE Bangalore. Her Masters work was in Stereo Vision. She started her career writing Layer2/Layer 3 code for Agere network processors. Subsequently she has worked on 802.1x security technologies at CISCO and also implemented Openflow 1.3 on CISCO switches. She also has worked with Virtualization using VMware stack, and works today on Intel assist open source technologies for SDN/NFV, and drives adoption of these technologies among developers.


M Jay has worked with the Intel DPDK team since 2009. He joined Intel in 1991 and has worked in various divisions and roles within Intel as a 64-bit CPU front side bus architect and 64-bit HAL developer before joining the Intel DPDK team. M Jay holds 21 US patents, both individually and jointly, all issued while working at Intel. M Jay was awarded the Intel Achievement Award in 2016, Intel’s highest honor based on innovation and results.


Saikrishna Edupuganti is a Research Scientist at Intel. He completed his Masters in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California. At Intel his area of focus is Telco Systems Research. Currently he is working on implementing performance best practices in Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter (CORD) project. Previously, he contributed to the vectorization support in DPDK’s Hash table library. He also worked on benchmarking Berkeley Extensible Software Switch (BESS) for NFV use-cases.

Sergio Gonzalez Monroy is a Network Software Engineer at Intel Corporation and specializes on VNF Data Plane Acceleration. He holds a Masters in Security and Forensic Computing from Dublin City University (DCU) Ireland and has versatile experience working on Intel and Sparc multi-core architectures, BSD and Linux driver development as well as embedded software. He is an active maintainer on the DPDK and FD.io VPP Open Source projects, currently focused on IPsec with hardware assist crypto acceleration.

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