Marco Ivan Ramirez Sosa Moran

Marco Ivan Ramirez Sosa Moran

Professor Marco Ivan Ramirez-Sosa obtained a BSc in Electronics Engineering at the Technological Institute of Durango and received the “Adolfo Lopez Mateos” Medal for having the best academic record of the 1990-1994 generation. He obtained the MSc and PhD degrees in Automatic Control from CINVESTAV Zacatenco in which he received the Best Doctoral Thesis Award in Technology and Science Engineering “Arturo Rosenblueth 1999.” From January 2001 to October 2002 he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at The TECHNION in Haifa, Israel in the faculties of Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering, working in the NICOLET (Nitrate Control in Lettuce) Project. He worked from 1997 to 2006 at Tec de Monterrey Campus Estado de Mexico and Campus Saltillo from 2006 to 2010 as Research. Professor Ramirez-Sosa has been a member of the IEEE since 1994 in the societies of Control Systems and Robotics & Automation. He is now a senior member of IEEE and Chair of the Professional Chapter of the Robotics & Automation Society and Counselor of two Student Branch Chapters at Tec de Nuevo Leon and UDEM in the Monterrey Section. He is currently Chairman of the Council of the Graduate Programs of Mechatronics at Tec de Nuevo Leon. He leads an innovation project at TUPY related to the manufacturing processes, automation, quality and maintenance. He has published papers in conferences and journals and has been a reviewer in several international and national academic events.

Chile is investing in robotics and automation!

IEEE RAS TC on Agricultural Robotics and Automation Webinar #​02​9Date:Friday,​ July 10th, 1 pm US ​ Eastern Time​ (start time in your country)​ Title:​ ​Agricultural Robotics in Chile: ​Challenges and Solutions in The Andes Mountains Speakers ​ Fe​rnando Auat Cheein and Miguel Torres-Torriti Abstract: In recent years, agriculture in Chile has experienced serious challenges that have affected its productivity, such as ​low water reserves due to climate change, loss of ​arable ​land due to volcanic eruptions​ and​ earthquakes ​, and the…

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Last day Pre-registration XIV Latin American Robotics Competition XIII Brazilian Robotics Competition Uberlandia Brazil

Welcome to XIV Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) and XIII Brazilian Robotics Competition (CBR). LARC/CBR is composed by RoboCup Brazil Open and IEEE Latin American Robotics Contest. There are several challenges for soccer robots, service robots, logistics, education robots, rescue robots and others. Students and researchers can test your robots in any of these challenges. See the Categories that will be present in LARC/CBR 2015. Registration Participation Requirements The following requirements are mandatory for  team participation: The registered teams must represent an…

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IEEE Israel Section

I was a member of the Israel Section, I met Professor Ezra Zeheb at the Electronics Fakulta at the Technion who is a friend of my PhD advisor Professor Kharitonov of the Saint Petersburg State University. If you want to join the RAS Chapther in Israel contact Professor Hugo Guterman (Spanish spoken for sfaradim-ladino olim chadashim, tayarim, studentim b’tor rishon, sheni v’shlishi) from Ben Gurion Universita More information about the Israel Section History and Chapters visit Marco Ivan…

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Innovation Match MX will be a multidisciplinary meeting where companies, researchers and students can share knowledge, experiences and create business opportunities based on demands and technological offers of each of the participants. The scientific community, national and international public and private universities, centres of research, Business Sector, different levels of Governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and to public interested in technological innovation to participate in this great event.  

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