Title: Agricultural Robotics in Chile:
Abstract: In recent years, agriculture in Chile has experienced serious challenges that have affected its productivity, such as
Fernando Auat Cheein received the Doctorate degree in 2009 and the Master of Science degree in 2005, both in San Juan, Argentina. Since 2013 he is an assistant Professor with Federico Santa María Technical University (UTFSM), in Valparaíso, Chile, after doing his post doc research stay in agricultural robotics also in Argentina. He is the founder of GRAI (Autonomous and Industrial Robotics Research Group, in the UTFSM, as well as a Principal Research at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in Valparaiso, Chile. His field of experience is SLAM, control systems, remote sensing and estimation theory applied to dynamical systems. His current research projects (funding by both private and public funds) include: robotics for the Chilean agricultural context, remote sensing for orchard characterization, slippage, navigation and control of service units and human-robot interaction in agricultural tasks. His robotic research group is fully focused on developing new robotic solutions for agricultural processes. Link: http://profesores.elo.utfsm.cl/~fauat.
Miguel Torres-Torriti received the Ph.D. degree from McGill University in 2003, and B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC Chile), in 1996 and 1998, respectively. Between 2004 and 2005 he was Senior Applications Engineer with General Electric Chile in the implementation of the multivariable process controllers for the ENAP Bío Bío and Magallanes refineries. In 2005 he joined the Department of ElectricalEngineering of the School of Engineering of the PUC Chile, where he iscurrently Associate Professor, Director of the undergraduate program in Autonomous and Robotic Systems, and Associate Dean of Social Responsibility. His field of experience is in systems modeling and control, estimation, robot dynamics, sensors and perception. His current research projects include the development of navigation strategies for mining and agricultural machines considering interactions with the environment, data fusion of satellite imagery and wireless sensor networks for early warning of flash-floods, and the development of assistive devices for persons with motor disabilities.
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Marcel Bergerman
Carnegie Mellon University