Distinguished Lecture on Focused Ion Based Prototyping of NanoDevices

IEEE Miami Section in Conjunction with Energy Systems Research Laboratory at Florida International University is pleased to invite you to lecture on

Focused Ion Based Prototyping of NanoDevices

by Sakhrat Khizroev
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Co-Director, Center for Nanomedicine
Florida International University

Date: Friday, June 1st, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Place: Room EC-2300 in the second floor of FIU College of Engineering and Computing
10555 W. Flagler Street, Miami, Florida, 33174.

Abstract: It is projected that nanotechnology will generate a trillion-dollar market by year 2015. Nanotechnology is expected to revolutionize areas such as computing, renewable energy, and medical applications. However, there are still only a handful of commercially available products based on nanotechnology. It is becoming obvious that nanotechnology research needs a new spin directed towards real-life applications. This talk will discuss a research strategy that has been implemented at FIU to develop viable nanotechnology applications and has made a major impact on every-day applications especially in the field of magnetic information storage. The recipe is based on exploiting the capability of focused ion beam (FIB) as a rapid nanodevice prototyping approach to establish successful cross-disciplinary and multi-campus industry/university teams to understand and target the most vital problems in the industry. The speaker will give an overview of next-generation applications that have been pioneered in his laboratory using the FIB-based nanodevice prototyping approach in the general area of information processing and also discuss the potential to impact next-generation medical applications.

Short Bio: Professor Sakhrat Khizroev is an engineer and an educator with a research focus on nanotechnology applications in electronics and medicine. In 2011, he re-joined FIU as a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and one of the two founding Co-Directors of the Center for NanoMedicine (CNM) based at the FIU College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) in partnership with the new College of Medicine (COM) and the School or Arts and Sciences (SAS). The main mission of the Center is to use nanotechnology to bridge advances in fundamental research with the current need in medicine. The focus on practical research that could impact everyday clinical applications is the signature strategy of the Center. From 2006 to 2010, Khizroev was a tenured Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Riverside (UCR), where his group conducted several groundbreaking demonstrations in the area of nanoelectronics and nanodiagnostics. During his prior appointment at FIU, between 2003 and 2006, Khizroev contributed to the development of the Focused Ion Beam (FIB) laboratory within the Motorola Nanotechnology Facility, making FIU the first university across the globe where the popular tool was used from an unconventional angle as a nanodevice prototyping machine. Three-dimensional (3-D) nano-magneto-electronics and near-field optical transducers for 5-nm diagnostics are some of the pioneering and patented technologies that came from his laboratory at FIU.Prior to his academic career, Khizroev spent almost four years as a Research Staff Member with Seagate Research (1999-2003) and one year as a pre-doctoral intern with IBM Almaden Research Center (1997-1998). He holds over 28 granted patents and 130 provisional patents with IBM, Seagate, CMU, FIU, and UCR. He has authored/co-authored over 120 refereed papers, 5 books and book chapters in the broad area of nanotechnology devices. He has presented over 100 talks including many invited seminars and colloquia at international conferences and meetings. He has acted as a guest science and technology commentator on television and radio programs across the globe. He has served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, a guest editor for Nanotechnology and IEEE Transactions on Magnetics and sits on editorial boards of several Science and Technology journals. Together with his former graduate students, he has co-founded several high-technology start-ups funded through SBIR grants by the National Science Foundation. Khizroev received a BS in Quantum Electronics and Applied Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a MS in Physics from the University of Miami, and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1992, 1994, and 1999, respectively.

**Refreshments will be served.

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