IEEE WIE (Women In Engineering)
Welcome to the Web page of the IEEE Women in Engineering Miami Section Affinity Group
The IEEE Women in Engineering is an international community and one of the largest international professional organizations in transforming the way engineering is practiced. With the purpose of empowering women in technology at every stage of their lives and professions, we are dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering. Our international network brings together more than 40,000 members from over 100 countries. Our goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in STEM (Science, Technology, and Mathematics )fields all over the world. We envisage a thriving community of men and women who collaborate to use their unique skills for the benefit of humanity.
Get to know the IEEE WIE executive committee members for the year 2023-2024: Here
For more details on IEEE WIE Miami Section AG contact Ibtissam Kharchouf.
IEEE Women in Engineering Miami Section AG:
- Unleash Your Potential: Join us to Discover the IEEE Experience!
IEEE Young Professionals and Women in Engineering are hosting an event titled “Unleash Your Potential: Join us to Discover the IEEE Experience!” on April 14th from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (EST) at Championsgate Board Room, The Hilton Orlando, to provide an exciting opportunity to discover the IEEE experience.
Our guest speakers @Jill Gostin and @Sharlene Brown will share their personal experiences of how getting involved with IEEE helped them professionally.
An interactive Panel Discussion on the “Importance of staying with IEEE after graduation” will be held to discuss the perks of IEEE membership after graduation. Panel Members are @Evelyn @Binesh @Ibtissam @Pankaj @Haruna.
We encourage IEEE SoutheastCon 2023 attendees to take this opportunity to meet and network with IEEE leaders.
Light refreshments will be provided. Looking forward to seeing you!
Flyer Link: Here
- IEEE Young Professionals Membership: Opportunities and Benefits
The IEEE Young Professionals and Women in Engineering Miami Section Affinity Groups
are hosting an event titled “IEEE Young Professionals Membership: Opportunities and Benefits” on April 5th at 4 PM (EST) to provide an exciting opportunity to discuss the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership in general and IEEE YP membership in specific.
Our guest speaker Dr. Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan will share his personal experience by giving a talk titled “How Involvement in IEEE YP Can Boost Your Career.”
Our Graduate students will share their experiences with IEEE and how so far it helped them personally and professionally.
The goal of this event is to make graduate students aware of the opportunities and benefits of IEEE memberships.
We encourage current and new students to take this opportunity to meet IEEE Graduate and Senior Members. We hope to see you there!
Light refreshments will be provided. Kahoot Game! & GiveawaysDon’t wait and RSVP NOW using the link or bar code provided below.
Please see the attached flyer for more information.