Message from the Chair
Greetings IEEE Member,
“How can I get more involved with IEEE?”
Great question! February is traditionally the time for Engineers’ Week, which is a great opportunity to jump into volunteering or networking events (some even come with PDHs!). The Memphis Joint Engineers Council has been kind enough to compile the list of Engineers’ Week happenings. At the week’s end, we will be celebrating our award-receiving members at the TSPE Banquet on February 23rd 2023.
The IEEE Memphis Chapter would love to see you at any of the events! Have a great Engineers’ Week!
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Hayes
Section Chair, 2023
IEEE Memphis
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – Engineers Week Kickoff Luncheon
This year’s event will be both in-person (limited to 60 attendees) and virtual. Time: Luncheon at 11:30 AM, Program at 12:00 PM
Location: Memphis Light, Gas and Water Training Center
4949 Raleigh-LaGrange at Covington Pike
Presenter: Doug McGowen, MLGW President and CEO
In-person Luncheon Cost: $15 via PayPal;
You will receive an email with box lunch menu from One and Only Barbecue.
Vegetarian options will be available. Selections are needed by Friday, February 10.
Meeting Link for virtual attendance (no cost):
Meeting ID: 862 6871 5468
One tap mobile: +13092053325,,86268715468# US Audio by phone: 309-205-3325
Sponsoring Organization: The Engineers’ Club of Memphis
In addition to the presentation, proclamations from the City and County Mayors will be read; Featured Engineering and Engineering Technology Students from Christian Brothers University, Southwest Tennessee Community College, and The University of Memphis will be recognized; Featured Engineers and Professionals from local engineering organizations will be recognized; and the Memphis-Area Joint Engineers Council Award of Excellence will be presented.
Saturday, February 18, 2023 – STEMOLOGY (for 3rd-12th grade students)
A conference to spark interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) Time: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Southwest Tennessee Community College (Macon Cove Campus)
Student Sign-up:
Student Cost: $20
Volunteer Sign-up:
Sponsoring Organization: National Society of Black Engineers Memphis Professionals
For more information, email
STEMology is a gender and minority empowerment conference for 3rd-12th grade students which uses science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts to inspire the next generation of young leaders. With guidance from local technical professionals, students will engage in interactive workshops to allow hands-on STEM learning, team activities, discussions surrounding myths and truths of minorities & genders in STEM, and STEM career opportunities. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Students will also get T-Shirts.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 – Order of the Engineer Ceremony
Time: Check-in and ring selection for ceremony participants 11:00 AM,
Luncheon at 11:30 AM,
Program at 12:00 PM
Location: Christian Brothers University Sabatini Lounge
Event details:
Sponsoring Organizations: American Society of Civil Engineers West TN Branch and Society of Military Engineers Memphis Post
For more information:
The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States in 1970 to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the Engineer. Participants in the Order of the Engineer Ceremony take the “Obligation of the Engineer” oath, which states an Engineer’s responsibilities to the public and to the profession. Participants receive an Obligation Certificate and a stainless-steel ring that is worn as a reminder of an Engineer’s commitment to high ethics and professionalism. Any Engineer is eligible for induction if he or she has graduated from an ABET accredited engineering program or holds a license as a P. E. Students enrolled in ABET-accredited engineering degree programs are eligible to participate if they are within two academic terms of graduation. There are no membership dues.
Thursday, February 23, 2023 – Engineers Week Banquet (1 PDH)
Time: 6:30 PM Social, 7:30 PM Dinner and Program
Location: Christian Brothers University Thomas Center
Sponsoring Organization: Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers Memphis Chapter
Presenter: Kel Kearns, Plant Manager Electric Vehicle Centre BlueOval City
Cost: $50 per person for table of 8 people; $55 per person for single ticket
Tickets & Registration: Online:
You must register with your name and email address to receive a PDH certificate for 1 hour.
In addition to the presentation, the TSPE Memphis Chapter will announce its Young Engineer, Distinguished Service, Outstanding Engineer, Government Engineer, and Outstanding Employer award recipients.
Saturday, February 25, 2023 – MJEC Engineers Week Student Contest
Time: 9:00 AM – Noon (9:00 student set-up begins, 9:30 judges assemble for instructions, 10:00 judging begins) Location: Southwest Tennessee Community College, Macon Cove Campus, Nabors Auditorium
Sponsoring Organization: Memphis-Area Joint Engineers Council
Contact: Carol Jones 901-485-7425, email
For more information:
Teams selected from the first round of judging will present their projects and answer questions from the judges, local professionals from many different engineering disciplines. The Engineers Week Student Contest is an opportunity for middle and high school students to express their creativity and demonstrate their ingenuity by working on concept projects designed to improve our quality of life. Judging criteria include benefit to society, creativity, feasibility, and presentation. Monetary awards are given to the winning students and schools. Volunteers are needed to judge the Student Contest. Contact Carol if interested.