Memphis Section

Webinar – Engineer Licensure from A to P.E.

We are pleased to announce the member-direct Region 3 Fall Webinar:
Thursday, October 17, 2019: 2:00 to 3:00 PM EDT — Engineer Licensure from A to P.E. ***
Have you considered being licensed as a professional engineer? What are the advantages? What is involved? Why should engineers …

IEEE Region 3 Awards – Nominations Open! IEEE/IEEE_Memphis

Region 3 Awards: Deadline is December 1st
Go to:
I believe most of us know someone deserving of one of the Region 3 awards below. Nominating someone doesn’t take long. Ask the nominee to help provide the information you need! Review the purpose of each award …

Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Tour

The University of Memphis Student Branch invites you to a Tour of the Mitsubishi Electric Power Products facility (2865 Riverport Rd, Memphis, TN 38109) for a tour on Oct 11 at 2pm.

Memphis Students at 13th annual IEEE/RFID International Conference

Brandy Washington (CBU -ECE ’20)) and Mason Cowing (U of M IEEE) submitted an entry to the 13th annual IEEE/RFID International Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona and finished in the top three in the Mega-Challenge. The rules for the competition were to pick a city …

All Aboard for IEEE!

Let’s welcome newly graduated Engineers, professionals (young and old) out for an afternoon of ping pong, volleyball, and networking in a casual environment!
Kids, significant others, friends, puppers, and doggos are welcome!
Register NOW!
Date And Time
Sat, May 18, 2019
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM CDT
Add to Calendar
2166 Central …

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