Brandy Washington (CBU -ECE ’20)) and Mason Cowing (U of M IEEE) submitted an entry to the 13th annual IEEE/RFID International Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona and finished in the top three in the Mega-Challenge. The rules for the competition were to pick a city and think of a problem that could be solved using RFID technology. As interns at R&N Systems Design – a company that deals with correctional facilities, the project that was developed revolved around the use and movement of tools in correctional facilities. The solution presented was to create a tool belt that used a Raspberry Pi Zero as a Bluetooth module, a BLE tag, LEDs, and a buzzer. These components were used to help track tools and alert users when a tool was out of range from the tool belt. A prototype was developed in which a red LED would flash and a buzzer would sound if the device was not found or out of range, and a green LED would light meaning the device was found or in range. Pictured are Brandy and Mason at the poster competition at the 13th annual IEEE/RFID International Conference.