Memphis ExCom Meeting

The next IEEE ExCom meeting will be held on March 4th at 6pm at CBU in Nolan Engineering Center Room 241.

Tentative agenda:
-2015 budget approval
-Society/Affinity updates

Please send additional agenda items to

Engineers Week

Engineers Week is Feb 22 – 29, 2015. For a full list of activities please see the Flyer or the MJEC E-Week Activities webpage.

IEEE has purchased a table for both the Engineers Week Luncheon (Wednesday Feb 25 11:30am – 1:30PM at the Holiday in at the University of Memphis) and the Engineers Week Banquet (Thursday Feb 26 6:30pm – 9pm at Christian Brother University Thomas Center). Contact if you are interested in attending either of the events. (ExCom members have priority, but extra tickets will go to any IEEE Member who wishes to attend).

Please consider helping out with the MathCounts or Engineers Week Student Contest. See the Flyer for more details.