Registration Fees

Category Fees
IEEE Member JD 10
Nonmember JD 15

All fees are in Jordanian Dinar.


Registration includes:

Access to all sessions, exhibits, workshops, field trip, welcome reception, congress package, lunch, plus coffee breaks.


Final Registration

To register for the congress, just follow the steps below:

  1. Deposit the fees in the account of the Jordan Section from any bank close to you.
    The account Information:
    Cairo Amman Bank
    Account number: 090002443014
    Account name: IEEE Jordan Section
  2. After paying the fees, keeping the receipt, and taking a photo of it on your mobile phone, enter the following link and start filling out the form to confirm your registration (the link will be available at 10 pm from today’s date):…/STB60…/jsyp2017-registration/

Important Notes:

  • Please pay the fees personally and on your behalf, unless there is an emergency. Please contact one of our ambassadors for a solution.
  • Please fill in the reason box when you deposit the fees into the account with the following: JSYP2017.
  • Field visits and workshops that we have announced will be available only, and other workshops will be added to the registration form when they are announced. If a workshop is full,it will be closed immediately.
  • Changes of workshops or field trips will not be allowed for any reason, so please check your form before you submit it.
  • The receipt photo must be attached to the designated box when filling in the form.

4 thoughts on “Registration Fees

  1. المواصلات من وين لوين
    انا بالجامعه الاردنية وممكن جدول المؤتمر باواقات الفقرات ؟؟؟

    1. المواصلات من مجمع الشمال
      وبالنسبة للجدول رح ينزل عالافنت بس يجهز

  2. مرحبا
    نحن مجموعة طلاب من جامعة مؤقته و حابين نحضر المؤتمر شو المطلوب منا

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