لا يعرفُ المجدَ إلا سيدٌ فطن لما يشّق على السادات فعّالُ
لولا المشقةُ سادَ الناس كلهم الجودُ يفقر و الإقدامُ قتّال
IEEE Jordan Student and Young Professional Congress 2017 is an annual Congress held in Jordan under IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This Congress is the fourth version of “JSBC”, which has became JSYP after the contribution of IEEE Jordan Young Professionals to organize this congress with the hosting IEEE student branch which is Jordan University of Science and Technology for 2017.
The congress aims to consolidate the relations between the members of IEEE through different ways of communication within it, and seeks to open new horizons for engineers to explore technology in which entitles them to achieve the ultimate goal of IEEE in life which is advancing technology for humanity.
This year, Jordan University of Science and Technology is hosting this Congress with the presence of approximately 300 participants from different universities and areas of Jordan, on Saturday, 15-7-2017.