IEEE CIS/CS Joint Chapter Vice Chair
Mohammad Abdel-Majeed is an Associate professor at the Computer Engineering Department at University of Jordan (UJ) since June 2016. He earned his PhD from University of Southern California (USC) in 2016. Also, he earned his MS from USC in 2010 and his BS from University of Jordan in 2007. His research focuses on the design of Artificial Intelligence based systems in the healthcare and smart city domains. He has been serving as the head of the computer engineering department at UJ in the time period between December-2021 and September 2023.
He has been on the organizing committee/program committee and/or external reviewer for several local and international IEEE conferences like IPDPS 2019 and JEEIT 2019. Also he is an external reviewer for several outstanding IEEE journals. In addition, he participated in judging several competitions for undergraduate and elementary school students. He also has been part of multiple European funded projects.
He has been the counselor of the IEEE student branch at the university since 2017. During this period the branch got rewarded with the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch award for three consecutive years (2020,2021 and 2022). Also He received the IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor Award 2022.