Born in 1951, graduated at the Czech Technical University in 1974, Associate Professor 1992, Full Professor 2000, from 1973 employed at the Czech Technical University, Head of Department 2006-2014.
Participating at ICCST from 1991, recently a member of the ICCST Executive Committee, Milos was the General Chairman of the 2008 ICCST in Prague.
He is active in the field of image processing and video technology for security, space and assistive applications and material science. He is/was a leader or co-leader of numerous projects and grants oriented to the development of image sensing systems, image/video quality and space applications of new optical materials (European Space Agency, Czech Grant Agency, COST etc.). He participated on the development of experiments for the space satellites AUOS and PHOBOS 1,2. He has published more than 160 scientific papers in journals or conference proceedings. Stays abroad: Imperial College (London, U.K.), QUB (Belfast, U.K.), NUI (Maynooth, Ireland), INT (Evry, France), He extensively cooperates/cooperated with industrial companies such as Space Technology (Ireland), TNO (Haag, Netherlands), BBT (Czech Republic), S&T (Taiwan), Pramet (Czech Republic) and research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Institute of Physics, Institute of Astronomy). He is a member of IEEE and Czech Society for Photonics.