Hi everyone, I hope you had a good break and are starting to get back into the swing of things. Today there will be an officer’s meeting at 4:00pm. Tomorrow, Wednesday February 1st at 5:00pm, will be the general meeting. Hope to
Tutoring Hours for Dead Week (12/5 – 12/9)
The tutoring centering will be open for dead week! Click the post to see the tutoring schedule posted below:
HKN General Meeting!
To all inducted HKN members: please join us tomorrow (Tuesday 11/29) at 5pm in LANG 104 for our first general meeting! We will be passing out the HKN certificates as well as discussing matters pertaining to HKN events and services. We
PCB Workshop Today!

Learn how to design and make your own printed circuit board (PCB)! Join us at 4pm today in OCNL 119 as Tony demonstrates how to use KiCad to design a fun circuit and implement this on a PCB!