March 31, 2017
The 2017 NESC® Changes Seminar is an 8 hour seminar focusing on the major changes in the 2017 edition of the National Electrical
Safety Code® (NESC®) . The seminar is sponsored by the IEEE Region 5 Continuing Education and will be held at the IEEE Green Technologies Conference and IEEE Region 5 Annual Meeting on March 31, 2017. The seminar covers in detail the major changes to the NESC® 2017 Edition along with application examples. The seminar also provides a general overview of each part of the code. Time is provided for questions and answers and all attendees are encouraged to share their NESC® applications.
The IEEE/ANSI C2-2017 NESC is the course manual for the seminar. The 2017 NESC is available at, and can be downloaded as a pdf or ordered in printed form.
This seminar will be of interest to utility and industrial electrical engineers designing, maintaining and operating overhead electric power lines and systems. A certificate of attendance for this 8 Hour Continuing Education Seminar will be issued to those in attendance.
Purchased with conference registration: $75
Purchased as standalone seminar: $125 (open to the public)
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J. Derald Morgan, P.E. currently provides electrical engineering consulting and forensic services.
Derald is a court recognized expert in Electrical Power Systems; High, Medium and Low Voltage Engineering; Electrical Machines and Drives; Electrical Shock Hazards; Forensic Engineering. He received degrees from Louisiana Tech University, University of Missouri-Rolla and his Ph.D. from Arizona State University.
Dr. Morgan is a Fellow of the National Society of Professional Engineers, Fellow of Institute of Electrical Engineers and Fellow of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers and Associate Editor of the Power Systems Re-search Journal. In addition to being a successful researcher, professor and university administrator, he is a forensic engineer with an active practice.
Dr. Morgan was a University Professor and Administrator for 46 years. He served as Vice President and Executive Director of the University of Alabama Foundation, was Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the University of Alabama, was Dean at New Mexico State University, and was Department Head and the ALCOA and Emerson Electric Chaired Professors at University of Missouri-Rolla now Missouri Science and Technology, and an Instructor of Electrical Engineering at UMR and Arizona State University during his academic career.
Dr. Morgan has provided consulting services to Black and Veatch, Electric Power Research Institute, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, ASEE-NASA, Arizona Public Service, Eastman Kodak, and others during his career. Dr. Morgan has extensive experience in re-search and application of industry codes and standards including the NESC, NEC, ANSI/IEEE, NEMA. | David J Pierce, E.I. is a court recognized expert in Electrical Engineering and Fire Origin and Cause Determination. He received his BSEE from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
David has Forty-two years combined experience in utility, industrial and healthcare facility electrical power system design, analysis, construction, maintenance and operation. He also has experience in electronic equipment and control systems operation, maintenance and troubleshooting.
David was responsible for the design and construction of electric utility substations and distribution and transmission lines. He was also responsible for conducting electric plant protection coordination studies and preparing the specifications for electric utility plant protective equipment. He has conducted electric utility plant system analysis and long range planning. He was also responsible for project work involving hospital and healthcare facility physical plant design, maintenance and operations, fire detection and alarm systems design, electric power and controls system design, system protection design including relay and fuse coordination.
David is a Vietnam Area Veteran and was trained by the US Army as an Avionics Technician. After he was discharged, he was cross-trained and worked as an electrician on offshore and inland drilling rigs.
His forensic engineering experience includes conductor sag and tension analysis, fire and explosion origin and cause determination, electrical and electronic equipment failure analysis, electrical system protection analysis, and accident reconstruction and analysis.
He has extensive experience in research and application of industry codes and standards including the NESC, NEC, ANSI/IEEE, NEMA. |
Sponsored by IEEE Region 5 Continuing Educational Activities Committee