• Getting SOCIAL with Preeti Kovvali

    April, 13 2022, Robert Sacks

    What is SOCIAL?

    Suggestion, Opinion, Concern, Idea, Advice, Lesson (SOCIAL) is a new initiative of the IEEE GOLDRush publication team to connect with Young Professional volunteers world-wide. The SOCIAL questionnaire provides members with a “voice” that can be shared with our entire membership by answering a few simple questions.

    Ms Preeti Kovvali
    Ms Preeti Kovvali
    Who is Preeti Kovvali?

    Ms. Preeti Kovvali is the past Chair of the Hyderabad Young Professionals and the Service Lead, Database Operations at Tech Mahindra.

    Suggestion – Do you have any suggestions for the IEEE?

    IEEE is a global organization, catering to local needs which puts it in a unique position compared to other professional organizations. Diversity being the important aspect of globalization, I would like to see a substantial representation of women in leadership roles. Young professionals leadership via micro volunteering should be encouraged through all units from the section to the board. This enables volunteers to bring and execute unique thoughts and ideas.

    Opinion – Provide an opinion on any IEEE related topic.

    Early this year, I attended a strategy session of the IEEE BoD which was primarily about IEEE’s focus on the “future”. It is very important to be a visionary and think well into the future and that would be a key differentiator in making IEEE the most preferred global organization. There were many ideas that emerged to answer one question- How can we better position IEEE for success in 2030? Everyone in the organization should be envisioning what IEEE could be 15 years down the lane. It is our collective thinking from the grassroots that will advance technology for humanity catering to changing needs.

    Concern – Express a major concern related to IEEE

    After working tirelessly in their home section, Young Professionals are likely at some stage in their career to move elsewhere. As a result, in the new community, they have to start from scratch. Enabling a continuous “global-volunteering” framework with IEEE is important in this case. One of the challenges is that the volunteer doesn’t update their information which disables the communication at the new location. There should be a relative “how-to” wiki that could help the volunteer upon relocation. IEEE Collabratec is one of the pilots focusing on this, but again it is very important to create value in using this social networking medium as the de facto “Facebook of IEEE”.

    Hyderabad – The home of Ms Preeti Kovvali
    (Photo credit: Trillophillia)
    Idea – Do you have any great idea for the IEEE?

    Re-initiating alumni connections with the graduating students is quite important to engage the young professionals and the student members. To enable this, YP should create focused YP groups along with the student branches in each school or college led by the final year students who will constantly interconnect with their graduated seniors. This leads to a better transitioning experience for the graduating students, strengthen alumni associations and establish stronger mentor-mentee relations.

    Advice – What advice can you provide to IEEE or IEEE members?

    IEEE comprises of global innovators and technologists who explore how technology drives the world and impacts the society of today and tomorrow. The beauty of this network is that there is a place for everyone who believes that advancing technology can revolutionize the way we live. IEEE provides a platform for individuals who want to figure out what they want and how they can fit in to deliver the mission. The best way to do this is through volunteering, which will facilitate exploration of self and areas of interest while being part of the journey.

    Lesson – Describe a lesson you have learnt as a result of the IEEE

    As a firm supporter of women leadership, especially in technology, I learnt more about my strengths, weaknesses and interests through the IEEE journey. One important thing I learnt is discipline. Discipline can lead to perseverance and stability. While volunteering with IEEE, I experienced both and this enabled me to figure out my areas of interests and follow my passion. When we combine the passion, action and things we love to do, it creates a life’s work. Many times volunteering involves coming back to the learners mode and being pragmatic. IEEE helped me lead to self-improvement, confidence and become a better leader!

    Want to get SOCIAL with IEEE GOLDRush? Send us your response GOLDRush@ieee.org

    Want to get in touch with Preeti? preeti.k@ieee.org

    Article edited by Nadee Seneviratne, Junior Assistant Editor, GOLDRush

    Tags:HyderabadYoung Professional