EMV Boot Camp 11.-12. September 2024

Das Wichtigste zur EMV in 2 Tagen. Fokus: EMV und Medizintechnik

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Welcome to the IEEE German EMC Chapter!
The forum for technical, industrial and scientific activities in the area of EMC. We connect professionals.
In providing a networking platform we organize interdisciplinary EMC events, such as the EMC Boot Camp, EMC Professional Talks – and we share knowledge with a world wide EMC community. In having very special guest speaker from all over the world presenting the Distinguished Lectures the German EMC Chapters brings worldwide EMC expertise to local EMC Engineers.

Challenging the youth with annually student contest is a great success!
Additionally we award the best EMC thesis (B.A. / M.A. / PhD) with the Chapter Awards.
And we connect international PhD Students for sharing experiences.

You may contact the IEEE German EMC Chapter  by using our contact form or by joining our groups on LinkedIn.

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