IEEE Finland Section Joint Chapter of AP/ED/MTT hosted IEEE MTT-S Ambassador Prof. Wojciech J. Krzysztofik who gave two lectures in our chapter. Lectures were held in Aalto University on Dec. 1, 2011 and there were 7 people in the audience. First the guest gave a lecture on fractal antennas from 10 to 11 am. In his speech, he discussed fractals in general, showed examples where fractals are found in nature and how different fractal patterns are classified. In the end fractal antennas were discussed. The second lecture given by the guest from 11am to 12 pm was a general presentation on what is IEEE, what benefits it offers for its chapters and what chapters should do to activate its current members and to get new members. After these lectures we visited Microsoft, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, and Startup Sauna with the guest. During our lunch we discussed how to develop our chapter and chapter support tools provided by IEEE.ambasador