
IEEE MTT-S ambassador visit

IEEE Finland Section Joint Chapter of AP/ED/MTT hosted IEEE MTT-S Ambassador Prof. Wojciech J. Krzysztofik who gave two lectures in our chapter. Lectures were held in Aalto University on Dec. 1, 2011 and there were 7 people in the audience. First the guest gave a …

Guest Lecture on Speech attributes in accent and dialect characterization

Guest Lecture on Speech attributes in accent and dialect characterization by Dr. Ville Hautamäki from University of Eastern Finland on October 10, 14:45-16:00 in Tampere University of Technology room TB224.  This lecture was free for all, coffee was served, and no registration was necessary. Please …

ICL-GNSS 2014 in Helsinki, Finland

The fourth issue of the International Conference on Localization and GNSS was organized in Helsinki, Finland on June 24-26, 2014 jointly by Tampere University of Technology (TUT) and the Finnish Geodetic Institute (FGI). The event brought together 45 positioning professionals for nearly three days. The …

Students and Young Professionals are getting alive in Helsinki area

IEEE is seeking  for enthusiastic, dedicated and responsible individuals to join the IEEE Helsinki Young Professionals and Student Branch executive committee in 2014-2015 academic year. Each officer nominee must be willing to learn and commit to the success of the section. The election is planned …

General Assembly Meeting – Helsinki 11th of December

IEEE Finland Section warmly welcomes all the members to the General Assembly meeting and elections for new section officers. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 11 at 17:15 at Aalto University in Otaniemi. Please see the invitation and the slate of candidates attached.
In …

15th International Symposium on System on Chip (SoC 2013)

The International Symposium on System on Chip, co-sponsored by the IEEE CASS, is one of the premier scientific conferences on SoC, NoC, and other Embedded System technologies within the North European Region. This year, SoC 2013 has agreed to allow free access to the entire …

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