IEEE Finland section invites candidates for IEEE Finland Section board election for the election period of 2022 – 2023. New board members will be selected by electronic voting held at the end of 2021 (date to be announced later).   

Positions open for election are the following:

  • Section Chair,
  • Section Vice Chair,
  • Secretary,
  • Treasurer,
  • Young Professionals Chair and,
  • Student Representative.    

Please send a brief description of your background and a mission statement (about one A4) for the position of your choice to the Nominating committee ( by October 25, 2021.

A brief description of the positions can be found below and the list of current officers can be found at Section Officers – IEEE Finland Section. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the current officers for more details on a specific position. Contact information can be found on the webpage. 

IEEE Finland Section board has approximately four meetings in a year. There is always a possibility to join those remotely or if the board members are traveling to face-to-face meetings, the traveling costs are covered by IEEE.

  • SECTION CHAIR: The Section Chair serves as Chair for all meetings of the Section. Chair represents the section in official IEEE meetings and has the main responsibility in organizing the Section matters in collaboration with the section board, other officers and chapter chairs.
  • SECTION VICE CHAIR: The Section Vice Chair assists the Section Chair in the coordination of all Section activities. At the request of the Section Chair or in the absence of the Section Chair, the Section Vice Chair chairs the meetings. Vice chair also coordinates and acts as the first point-of-contact towards technical chapters.
  • SECRETARY: The duties of the Section Secretary includes writing memos of the board meetings and reporting all Finland Section activities to global IEEE organization through IEEE vTools website. 
  • TREASURER:  The duties of the Section Treasurer includes the development of a Section budget for approval by the Section, accounting of all Section funds, keeping financial records, and submitting the Financial Operations Report of the Section to the IEEE Staff Director, Financial Services.
  • YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CHAIR: As a chair of young professional activities, you get to put your managerial skills to test by organizing fun-focused activities and events: relaxing get-together events, technical seminars, company visits, visiting lecturers, workshops etc. You also have the possibility to join young professional events abroad. Funding and advisory support for practical matters is available from IEEE Finland Section Board and international R8 Young Professionals-team. Most importantly, you will get important leadership experience. 
  • STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: IEEE students are represented through one student member in the Section board. You can organize activities and events in cooperation with young professionals or individually.  You also have the possibility to join student events abroad or organize international events in Finland. Funding and advisory support for practical matters is available from IEEE Finland Section Board. 

With best regards,

Prof. Jari Nurmi, Tampere University

Chair of the Election Committee