Feb 22, 2017 – Meeting Notes

PyroKEN getting new songs on one side of the tables, and synchronized clocks on the other. Can you guess which is which?

We managed to check a few more items off of our to-do list this week. Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers were set up on the main computers of both PyroKEN and KEN4 (KEN1 replicas), which resolves an issue that crops up in the vision system when no Internet access is available. The broken tilt servo in PyroKEN’s neck was replaced as well. With a little bit of counterbalance and calibration, PyroKEN’s mechanisms should be functionally complete. Progress on KEN4’s neck and hardware mounting also moved forward, and it isn’t far behind its sibling.

On another note, PyroKEN was “taught” a few new songs. (The default AI script contains only one.) Now, we have even more ways to enjoy KEN’s soothing, monotone voice for awkwardly long spans of time. (A “stop” command was hacked in, to the great relief of those present.)

It was a productive meeting. We’re getting really close to having two more operational KENs, and excited to start working on enhancements.