May 20, 2016 RoboResearch at Hunt Library at NC State University

On May 20, 2016, IEEE held the RoboResearch seminar 2016 at the Hunt Library at Centennial Campus at NC State University. We had about 40 people stopped by our booth and interacted with KEN and other team members. We also implemented survey research for the first time. Below is a summary of the event.

“RoboResearch 2016 is a two day event, jointly sponsored by the North Carolina Council of IEEE and Industrial & Systems Engineering at NC State University.  The objective for the first day is to promote interaction between the North Carolina Business community and it Universities, while the second focuses more on promoting STEM to help a new generation of innovators.  We  invite robotics researchers from the educational community as well as robotics researchers and designers from industries throughout North Carolina.
Attendees will meet other researchers and designers in the same and related fields. We are hoping that members of our local industries will be introduced to the inter-relationship with the educational institutes in our State so that some day they may be able to work together toward common goals.”

Here is the link to the event:

Demo Setup
Demo Setup
People interacting with KEN
People interacting with KEN
Our Demo Team
Our Demo Team from left to right: 1st row: Daniel, KEN, Pooja 2nd row: Shreyash, Suraj, Lixiao