Category Archives: Section Events
Fusion Power Progress in US and abroad
2-23-2021- Survey Of Fusion Power Progress In US and Abroad PDF Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation with Notes PDF Presentation, PowerPoint Slides Only Abstract IEEE Delaware Bay section last reviewed the Fusion Power research activity in September 2009. The speaker was Dr. … Continue reading
2019 Science Olympiad Delaware-Support from the IEEE Delaware Bay Section and IEEE National
Science Olympiad is a STEM outreach program to train and mentor middle & high school students on electricity on order to help them compete in the Science Olympiad electrical events. For the past five years, the Delaware Bay Section has … Continue reading
December 8, 2015, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting, Solar Photovoltaic Power Conversion Solutions.
Download PDF “SMA Overview for Delaware IEEE Dec 2015” IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting, December 8, 2015. Solar Photovoltaic Power Conversion Solutions. Speaker: Gary Custer SMA Applied Engineering.
November 13, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting, Building Automation using Zigbee Communications
Zigbee Communications were developed by the military to provide communications within small mobile groups. The objective was small, simple, lightweight radio equipment, where the unit carried by the mobile elements is battery operated with long (several months) battery life. The … Continue reading
July 30, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting – Delaware IEEE Briefing on Nuclear Power in the U.S., and Observations from the Japan Incident
Presentation Objectives: An overview of the Japan accident including design challenges and human performance issues. (See attached pdf file for pictures of the Japan accident) Differences in US designs that make a similar event improbable Actions taken by the industry … Continue reading
June 11, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting – Modernizing Power Grids with Distributed Intelligence and Smart-Grid Ready Instrumentation
Abstract: Smart Grid technologies are changing rapidly with 100s of devices, multiple protocols, multiple buses, and hundreds of vendors raising interoperability issues, and generating massive amounts of data that needs to be stored and readily available for operators to quickly … Continue reading
June 4, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting – Smart Appliances
Abstract: Charlotte will speak to the level of energy savings that we can expect from installing “smart” appliances, and what design criteria the manufacturers are using. The talk will also be directed to what improvement in functional features to … Continue reading
April 24, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting – Cyber Exercises: Interactive Training for an Interactive Field
Abstract: Cyber Warfare involves Cyber Soldiers on a Cyber Battlefield; so why are we not training our professionals in a cyber environment? Far too often, the training provided to Information Security professionals is nothing more than static theoretical lectures. We force our … Continue reading
March 26, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting – Bloom Energy
Abstract: Bloom Energy Server The March 26th presentation will focus on the development of the Bloom solid oxide fuel cell. This will be a broad overview of the technology and its benefits as it has moved from a product development stage … Continue reading
Jan. 24, 2012, IEEE Delaware Bay Section Meeting – Advances in Industrial Ethernet Technology and its Impact on Controls, Instrumentation, and Power Products in Manufacturing
Abstract: We cordially invite you to a discussion on Ethernet enabled Control, Instrumentation, and Power Products. Almost every supplier of Process Control and Electrical Equipment has incorporated Ethernet communications into their products. Come and join us to see what is … Continue reading