The calendar for 2015 is summarized below. Meeting details are available from the meeting link that will be in the “Upcoming Meetings” box to the right. Meetings typically meet as follows:


Month Date Location Program
Presenter Topic
January 1/21/15 NI Jim Drewniak, MST Managing intentional currents and anticipating un-intentional currents for EMI design
February 2/18/15 NI Tom Mullineaux, Lionheart SW An Investigation of Underperforming EMC Chamber Designs
August 3/15-3/21 IEEE Symposium on EMC, Santa Clara, CA
March 3/25/15 No meeting
April 4/22/15 ETS Panel discussion  IEEE EMC Sympsoium in Santa Clara
May 5/27/15 NI Mark Maynard, SIEMIC A New European Union Directive approach for radio equipment – an overview of the new EU Radio Equipment Directive
June 6/15/15 tbd
July 7/15/15 tbd
August 8/26/15 tbd
August 8/16-8/22 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Dresden, Germany
September 9/16/15 tbd
October 10/21/15 tbd
November 11/18/15 tbd
December 12/16/15 tbd



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