Raccoon Mtn Tour

City: Chattanooga

Raccoon Mtn Pumped Storage Facility Tour **1 PDH hour Available for Attendance** The OPTIONAL registration fee will go towards an IEEE scholarship. To register without a fee, please select "Register Only". International visitors please contact Sarah Crocker ([email protected]) as soon as possible.  Location: 319 W Hills Dr Chattanooga, Tennessee 37419

TVA Protective Relaying: Now and Then

Room: Tennessee River Room, Bldg: Downtown Marriott

Rick Gamble, Manager of System Protection and Analysis, will discuss the current state of protective relaying and the path forward to the substation of the future. Topics to be covered will be relay connectivity, configuration control, technological limitations, and ideas for the future of protective relaying. **1 PDH Available** Lunch is provided by the Chattanooga […]


he annual meeting is a time of food and gathering for the IEEE members of the Chattanooga Section. A key note speaker from GE Grid Solutions will discuss grid modernization and key insights to career management. The section leadership will discuss with the membership accomplishments of the past year and lay out the path forward for 2020. Annual Meeting Itinerary: […]