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Seminar on Hyperspectral Imaging and Processing

January 21, 2018

On Jan. 21, 2018, Prof. Chein-Ⅰ Chang (IEEE Life Fellow, SPIE Fellow) and his research group members were invited to jointly hold a seminar on hyperspectral imaging and processing. Prof. Jianyi Zhang serves as professor in University of Maryland, as well as visiting professor of Dalian Maritime University and National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.

First, Prof. Chein-Ⅰ Chang gives a report on the fundamental theory of real-time hyperspectral data processing and how to get the research work published. With rich examples and vivid explanations, Prof. Chein-Ⅰ Chang demonstrated how to combine theory with practice and innovatively solve the difficulties in real-time hyperspectral data processing. In addition, he also illustrates the key issues which should be paid attention when preparing a publication, patent and the presentation of scientific research work in detail. This presentation inspires the participants greatly in terms of both doing research and presenting works, which raised thunderous applauses among the participants.

Then, Prof. Ping Zhong from National University of Defense Technology, Prof. Chunyan Yu and Prof. Yulei Wang from Dalian Maritime University, Dr. Licheng Liu, Dr. Bin Yang, Dr. Ting Xie and Dr. Qiaobo Hao from School of Electrical and Information Engineering of Hunan University, give reports in different aspects in hyperspectral image processing.

Finally, a heated discussion about the key issues as well as the proper solutions to hyperspectral image processing is conducted. Meanwhile, Prof. Chein-Ⅰ Chang and Prof. Shutao Li provided many valuable opinions to the participated students and teachers from both Dalian Maritime University and Hunan University.



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