How to join IEEE CILS online meetings throughout 2024

IEEE Central Illinois Section (CILS) has finished scheduling monthly executive committee (Excom) meetings throughout the rest of 2024. These administrative meetings are open to the public, and are intended for chapter and student branch officers.

Excom Meeting Schedule for 2024:

The executive meetings generally occur on the first Tuesday of each month. November’s meeting has been moved due to the general election.

  • Tuesday, July 2nd
  • Tuesday, August, 6th
  • Tuesday, September 3rd
  • Tuesday, October 1st
  • Tuesday, November 12th
  • Tuesday, December 3rd

How to find upcoming meetings in our area:

Any IEEE member or non-member can search for future meetings using the IEEE vTools search engine.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select region: R4 Central USA
  3. Select section: R40005 – Central Illinois Section
  4. Click “upcoming” to remove past events
  5. Click “Search”