Happy New Year: 2025

On behalf of the IEEE Central Illinois Section (CILS), I would like to wish a happy new year to all of our local IEEE members, volunteers, student members, faculty advisors, event hosts, and guest speakers.

In 2024, Central Illinois members and student members hosted a combined 50 events (nearly one per week) spanning the cities of Champaign, Peoria, Bloomington-Normal, Springfield, Lincoln, and Quincy. This remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the dedication of local IEEE volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the year.

Traditionally, January is the time of the year when people set out to achieve their new goals. In the coming year, we aim to help as many local engineers as possible–whether it’s to master a new set of skills, publish research, or simply network within the scientific community. To accomplish this, we plan to:

  • Leverage IEEE’s Distinguished Lecturers (DL) program
  • Apply for continuing education events in our area
  • Co-host educational activities throughout the area (including K–12)
  • Collaborate with local industries and academic institutions
  • Enhance our website to accept member questions and feedback

If you wish to know more about future events that will take place in Illinois or other areas, the IEEE search engine: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/ is an excellent resource.

To all who call Central Illinois home, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

— Brady Mayes (IEEE Central Illinois Section Chair)