Instructor sought for BSU Computer Architecture course
The BSU Electrical&Computer Engineering (ECE) department is looking for someone who can teach the Computer Architecture course next semester. If interested, please contact Jim Browning .
Here’s the course description (from ) :
ECE 432 (CS 441) COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (3-0-3)(S). Structure of computer systems using processors, memories, input/output (I/O) devices as building blocks. Computer system instruction set design and implementation, including memory hierarchies, microprogramming, pipelining and multiprocessors. Issues and trade-offs involved in the design of computer system architectures with respect to the design of instruction sets. Applications of Hardware Description Languages (HDL) in the design of computer systems. May be taken for either CS or ECE credit, but not both. PREREQ: ECE 330.
Please feel free to forward this to anyone else who may be interested.